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Max Msp 6

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  • Jitter 1.6.2 (47.3 MB) Released 9/22/06. For Mac PPC and Intel machines running OS X 10.3.9 or later (10.4 recommended).
  • Jitter 1.6 documentation only (14 MB) Released 9/22/06.
  • Jitter 1.5.2 (30 MB) Released 11/12/05. For Mac PPC machines.
  • Jitter 1.5 documentation only Released 7/29/05.
  • Jitter 1.2.4 (25 MB) Released 06/08/05. For Mac PPC machines.
  • Jitter 1.2.4 without documentation (7 MB) Released 06/08/05.
  • Jitter 1.1.1 documentation only (17.3 MB) Released 8/01/03. For Mac PPC machines.

From the release of Max 5, MSP and Jitter were included in the one package. MSP is a DSP plug-in for Max, allowing realtime audio synthesis. Jitter is a plug-in for Max that allows realtime manipulation of 3D graphics and video first released in 2003. Pluggo was an extension to Max that provided capabilities for VST design.

  1. Over on UNSW's site I found this handy chart. It'll very useful when using the makenote object in Max (makenote in Pd). As they say: The musical interval between two notes depends on the ratio of their frequencies. An octave is a ratio of 2:1 and, in equal temperament comprises 12 equal semitones, which therefore.
  2. Cycling '74 Max Online Documentation. Browse and search the Max MSP Documentation and Reference online.
  3. Sarah gives us a glimpse of the playful approach that drives her unique work with Max. Interview: George Lewis and Damon Holzborn The artists discuss their years-long collaboration bringing the classic Voyager program to life in this 2-part interview.

Max Msp 8

Max/MSP 4.3.2 System Requirements: Max/MSP 4.3 requires OS X 10.2, 256 MB minimum of system memory recommended. Not compatible with Intel based Macs and OS 10.5+.

Max Msp Wikipedia

Jitter 1.6.2 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC or Intel Mac computer. MacOS X 10.3.9 or higher (10.4 recommeded) and 512 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.6 or later installed on your system. QuickTime 6.0 or later. OpenGL 1.5 or later installed on your system. An OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended.

Jitter 1.5.1 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC MacOS computer. MacOS X 10.3 or higher and 256 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.5.5 or later installed on your system. QuickTime 6.0 or later. OpenGL 1.5 or later installed on your system. An OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended.


Jitter 1.2.4 for OS X System Requirements: A PowerPC MacOS computer (G3/300 or faster with an OpenGL hardware-accelerated video card is recommended). Mac OS X 10.2 or higher and 256 MB of RAM. Max/MSP 4.3.2 (for OSX) or later installed on your system. QuickTime 5.0 or later. OpenGL 1.2 or later installed on your system.

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